A new organisation with complementary aims to Pro Tridentina (Malta) was founded some months ago. Pro Malta Christiana, or Maltese Foundation for a Christian Civilisation, is a Voluntary, Non-Profit Making Organisation with Registered Charitable Status.
The present official address Flat 4, Victoria
Mansions, Victoria Junction, Sliema, SLM 1833, Malta, according to Article 2 of the provisional statutes.
According to Article 3, the aim of the Society shall be the promotion and defense
of the ideals and values of Christian Civilisation in Malta. These principles are expounded in the work Revolution and Counter-Revolution
authored by Professor Plinio Correa de Oliveira in 1959.
The Society is committed to promoting and defending:
the traditions in Malta and Gozo that give the Maltese Islands their
distinct cultural identity, and which have a foundation in the islands’ heritage
of two thousand years of Christian civilization;
the natural and traditional family based on the indissoluble bond of
marriage of one man and one woman in line with the traditional Magisterium of
the Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church;
the principle and right of individuals to own property, in consonance
with the teaching of the Catholic Church that private ownership is one of the
pillars of the natural law, with said right having a social function which it
must fulfill in all of its extension.
The Objectives of said organisation are:
To defend and promote, on a national level, the Christian
traditions of the Maltese nation.
To defend and promote, on a national level, the right of
private ownership of property in line with the traditional Magisterium of the
Catholic Church.
defend and promote, on a national level, the natural and traditional family,
based on the indissoluble bond of marriage between a man and a woman.
To defend and promote the right to life – understood as the
inalienable right to be born - in the Maltese islands and actively oppose all forms of abortion
and infanticide.
provide support and information for all legal groups, entities and other
organizations seeking to enhance and promote the ideals of tradition, family
and property.
educate the Maltese populace, thereby raising public awareness on a national
level of the importance of promoting, fostering and defending the ideals of
Christian Civilization and especially those ideals relating to tradition,
family and property.
To perform works of charity and philanthropy in line with the
Society/Foundation’s commitment to the perennial ideals of Christian Civilization
by disseminating publications, religious objects and miscellaneous articles, and
through other standard works of charity analogous to those practiced by the
Catholic Church over the centuries.
To raise funds for the Society / Foundation by means of donations
of members, supporters, and volunteers or otherwise for all the purposes of the
Society / Foundation through requests
for donations for objects, publications, research and materials distributed,
through public campaigns and specific requests for donations, as well as
through other means of fund-raising that are both authorized by the National
Council and consonant with the Society’s / Foundation’s status as a voluntary,
non-profit making organization with registered charity status in Malta.
promote and present the interests of the Society / Foundation and of its members
to the notice of local administration and authorities, international Organisations
and other authorities.
To enhance the level of
cultural attainment in Malta among its members, supporters, donors and volunteers and among the general populace through
the holding of cultural public manifestations that are inspired by the
traditional Magisterium of the Catholic Church.
To form part of any national/international Organisation/s
whose aims are similar to that of the Organisation.
To promote, encourage and promote research in the subject areas
of sociology, anthropology, pure and applied science, religious doctrine,
philosophy, theology, ethics and economics, and which relate to the defense and
promotion of the ideals of Christian Civilisation and to publish and disseminate
the results of said research.
To do all that which is ancillary, incidental or conducive to the
attainment of the above objectives.
Pro Tridentina (Malta) wishes all the best to this organisation, led by Pro Tridentina (Malta) founder, Philip Beattie. The co-operation between Pro Malta Christiana and ASPM's Chaplain Canon Nicholas Doublet (former member of Pro Tridentina (Malta) is also a step in the right direction.