Now that last month's conflicting stories about the genesis of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and Cardinal Robert Sarah’s new book on priestly celibacy have calmed down (to a certain extent), it seems the right time to publish the correspondence from Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI to Cardinal Sarah. We leave our readers to reach their own conclusions. We however dismiss that this book opposes the millennial Church teachings, that Benedict XVI has no right to express his views, that the Pope Emeritus was “manipulated,” and that Cardinal Sarah has shown contempt for married priests in the Eastern Rite.
Statement by His Eminence Cardinal Robert Sarah
14 January 2020
Last 5 September, after a visit to the monastery Mater Ecclesiae where Benedict XVI lives, I wrote to the Pope Emeritus to ask him if it was possible for him to compose a text on the Catholic priesthood, with special attention to celibacy. I explained to him that I myself had begun a reflection in prayer. I added: “I imagine that you will think that your reflections might not be opportune because of the polemics they might provoke in the media, but I am convinced that the whole Church needs this gift, which could be published at Christmas or at the beginning of the year 2020.”
On 20 September, the Pope Emeritus thanked me by writing to me that he too, on his part, even before receiving my letter, had begun to write a text on this subject, but that his strength no longer allowed him to edit a theological text. However, my letter had encouraged him to resume this long work. He added that he would transmit it to me when the translation into Italian was completed.
On 12 October, during the synod of bishops on the Amazon, the Pope emeritus gave me a long text in a confidential envelope, the fruit of his work over the past months. Seeing the extent of this writing, both in substance and in form, I immediately thought that it would not be possible to propose it to a newspaper or magazine, given its volume and quality. So, I immediately proposed to the Pope Emeritus the publication of a book that would be an immense good for the Church, integrating his own text into mine. After various exchanges in view of the development of the book, on 19 November, I finally sent a manuscript, the cover, a common introduction and conclusion, the text of Benedict XVI and my own text. On 25 November, the Pope Emeritus expressed his great satisfaction with the texts written in common, and he added the following: “For my part, I agree that the text should be published in the form you have foreseen.”
On 3 December, I went to the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery to thank the Pope Emeritus once again for placing his trust in me. I explained to him that our book would be printed during the Christmas holidays, that it would be published on Wednesday 15 January, and that I would come to bring it to him at the beginning of January on my return from a trip to my native country.
The polemic that has sought to smear me for several hours now, by insinuating that Benedict XVI was not informed of the publication of the book ‘From the Depths of our Hearts’ is deeply abject. I sincerely forgive all those who slander me or who want to oppose me to Pope Francis. My attachment to Benedict XVI remains intact and my filial obeisance to Pope Francis remains absolute.
Benedict XVI
Pope emeritus
Vatican City
20 September 2019
To His Eminence the Most Rev.
Cardinal Robert SARAH
Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship
and the Discipline of the Sacraments
00120 Vatican City
Your Eminence,
Thank you for your letter of September 5 and for your prayers for the priesthood in these difficult times!
Prior to your letter, I had already begun to write down some reflections on the priesthood. But in writing I always felt that my forces no longer allow me to edit a theological text.
Then your letter came with the unexpected question of a text on the priesthood, with particular attention to celibacy. So, I resumed by work and will pass on to you the text, once it is translated from German into Italian. I leave it to you [to determine] if these notes, whose insufficiency I feel strongly, can be of any use.
Following your question, I impart my apostolic blessing to you, to your collaborators, and to all your loved ones.
Yours in the Lord,
Benedict XVI
Vatican City
12 October 2019
To His Eminence the Most Rev.
Cardinal Robert SARAH
Prefect of the Congregation forDivine Worship
and the Discipline of the Sacraments
00120 Vatican City
Your Eminence,
Finally, I may pass on my Thoughts on the Priesthood. I shall leave it to you if you find any use in my poor thoughts.
I greet you cordially, thankful for your service to the Holy Church.
Yours in the Lord,
Benedict XVI
Benedict XVI
Pope emeritus
Vatican City
25 November 2019
To His Eminence the Most Rev.
Cardinal Robert SARAH
Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship
and the Discipline of the Sacraments
00120 Vatican City
Your Eminence,
With all my heart I would like to say thank you for the text added to my contribution and for all the work you have done. It touched me deeply that you understood my last intentions: I had actually written 7 pages clarifying the methodology of my text and I am truly happy to say that you were able to say the essential in half a page. So, I do not see a need to send you the 7 pages, since you have expressed the essentials in half a page.
For my part, the text can be published in the form that you have foreseen.
I am happy to see you before your departure for your homeland and to express my best wishes for your double jubilee.
Thank you also for the three volumes of your dialogue with Monsieur Diat!
In communion of prayer,
Yours in the Lord,
Benedict XVI