A member of Pro Tridentina (Malta) wanted to share a correspondence he had with Bro. John-Paul Ignatius Mary, OMSM several years ago. Although Brother Ignatius passed away 5 years ago (this Friday), we thought fitting to publish said correspondence to honour his memory. Obviously some information is now outdated.
Dear Bro. Ignatius Mary, In Malta, in recent years, the Ordinary Rite of Mass is being abused in various ways, such as: priests behaving irreverently during Mass or cracking jokes, indecent attire (both males and females), no respect for Jesus in the Tabernacle, and awful music (a case in point is a parish that uses erotic music from the Eurovision Song Contest). |
In the past, I've spoken to the Archbishop and other priests about this situation but the reaction was from lukewarm to outright derision.
I've stopped attending Mass since last year because it's so irreverent and I feel guilty if I attend as I would be an accomplice in all this. At least, that is how I feel.
What can I do to help in having reverent masses (whether Ordinary or eventually Extraordinary Rite if it will available). I feel at a loss and guilty.
Thank you for your patience.
Konrad (surname withheld for privacy)
Answer below
Dear Konrad,
No matter how irreverent the Mass may be said, there is no justification to stop going to Mass. You are risking your soul to hell by avoiding Mass like this.
You need to get to the Sacrament of Confession to confess your sin and return to the Mass this next weekend. There is no excuse.
These things do not invalidate the Mass. As long as the Mass is valid, Jesus is there. Why do you leave Jesus alone with the abusers?
You need to mortify your pride and instead accept the suffering of having to endure priests who abuse the liturgy and offer that suffering up to God for the conversion of those priests and for your Archbishop.
You are not an accomplice to the abuse for attending Mass. You are not the priest, you are not an altar server, you are a man sitting in the pew who has expressed his concern to the authorities. There is no complicity.
But, you disobey God to stop going to Mass over this and it is grave sin.
In terms of what to do about this situation, you need to offer up your suffering, pray, write a letter (not verbal communications) to the bishop, and if no response or inadequate response then you can write the Congregation on the Discipline of the Sacraments. In doing these things your responsibility is finished, There is nothing else you can do except to continue to offer up your suffering and to pray.
You do have a right under Canon Law to address these issues with them (Canon 212.2). In that regard Canon Law 214 says that you have a right to participate in the liturgy in accordance with legitimate norms.
When you write the bishop be business-like and factual. Detail the specific things that you believe are in violation of liturgical law and ask that these things be resolved.
If there is no resolution, if you wish, write (sending a copy of letters to and from the Bishop):
Antonio Cañizares Llovera, Cardinal, Prefect
Congregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum
Palazzo delle Congregazioni
Piazza Pio XII, 10
(Vatican City)
- Bro. John-Paul Ignatius Mary
Brief biography: Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r)+ DALC, LTh, DD, CDCP. was briter, poet, Deliverance Counselor, Nouthetic Counselor, Catholic Apologist, Theologian, Professor, and Spiritual Director. He held the posts of: |
- Dean and Senior Professor, St. Michael Academy for Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance Counseling;
- Provost and Superior, Oblates and Missioners of St. Michael;
- Director, St. Padre Pio Center for Deliverance Counseling;
- Lord Knight of the Cross, Military Fraternity of the Legionnaires of St. Michael.
He lived a monastic life in a hermitage. Brother Ignatius Mary passed peacefully from this life to his eternal reward on 13 December 2019.