Thursday, July 4, 2013

Quotes to reflect upon (3)

A quote from the Preface of the St. Joseph Daily Missal, published in the USA, 1961. It clearly shows that lay participation is possible too in the Tridentine Mass. rapid growth of the modern liturgical movement  received a new and salutary impetus from His Holiness Pope Pius XII, in his encyclical letter Mediator Dei of November 29, 1947, on the Sacred Liturgy. He clearly indicates the importance of lay participation in the offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass: "It is desirable that all the faithful should be aware that to participate in the Eucharistic Sacrifice is their chief duty and supreme dignity, and that, not in an inert and negligent fashion, giving way to distractions and day-dreaming, but with such earnestness and concentration that they may be united as closely as possible with the High Priest, according to the Apostle [Paul], 'Have this in mind in you which was also in Christ Jesus' (Philippians 2, 5). And together with Him and through Him let them make their oblation, and in union with Him let them offer up themselves."

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