Friday, October 29, 2010

Tridentine Mass 1 and 2 November 2010


A solemn High Tridentine Mass will be celebrated on November 1st marking the Feast of All Saints and again on November 2nd marking the feast of All Souls. Mass will be begin at 10:30 AM at St. Andrews Parish Church (L-Ibrag).

The mass is not organised by Pro Tridentina (Malta) but by several people from this parish. But, needless to say, we wholeheartedly support these initiatives.

Feel free to invite friends along.

In Domino,


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Gli effetti del motu proprio nelle diocesi del mondo

Da Rorate caeli (e relativi commenti) prendiamo questo conteggio redatto da Peter Karl Perkins inerente l'estensione delle Messe tridentine per effetto del motu proprio. Sono computate a parte quelle della Fraternità San Pio X, per meglio enucleare l'avanzata tradizionale per il solo effetto del motu proprio (la FSSPX, ovviamente, non aveva bisogno di attendere la liberalizzazione, che pur ha nobilmente richiesto a vantaggio di tutta l'ecumene, per impiantare nuovi centri di Messa).
Il primo numero accanto al nome di ogni paese si riferisce al 2005, all'inizio di questo pontificato, ed indica le diocesi che a quella data avevano una Messa tridentina almeno ogni domenica e festa di precetto. Si tratta quindi delle messe concesse in applicazione dei vecchi indulti del 1984 e 1988, quando l'arbitrio episcopale era sovrano (oggi lo è ancora, ma non più di diritto, solo di fatto). La seconda cifra recensisce invece la situazione delle diocesi 'virtuose' al 2010 (eventualmente tra parentesi con la specificazione di dati intermedi).
Si ripete: i numeri che seguono indicano il numero di diocesi (con almeno una, a volte più, Messe ogni domenica e festa di precetto), non il numero totale di Messe, che è ovviamente superiore (sia perché in molte diocesi vi sono più Messe, sia perché non si considerano ai fini del computo le Messe con intervallo maggiore di quello settimanale o tenute solo in giorni feriali). Indichiamo quando possibile anche il totale delle Messe 'regolari' e quelle della FSSPX (sempre considerando solo quelle che si celebrano almeno ogni domenica e festa di precetto).
Italia: 15, (41 nel 2008), 52 diocesi (più che triplicate, ma pur sempre meno di un quarto del totale). Totale diocesi esistenti: 214.
Totale Messe: 81 + Totale Messe FSSPX: 15.
Francia: 65 (74 nel 2008), 78 diocesi. Totale diocesi esistenti: 93.
Totale Messe: 201 + Totale Messe FSSPX: 215
Germania: 10, 23 diocesi. Totale diocesi esistenti: 28.
Totale Messe: 54 + Totale Messe FSSPX: 64
Spagna: 3, 11 diocesi. Totale diocesi: 69
Totale Messe: 16 + Totale Messe FSSPX: 4
Polonia: 6, 12 diocesi. Totale diocesi: 40
Totale Messe: 16 + Totale Messe FSSPX: 12
Portogallo: 0, 1 diocesi. Totale diocesi: 20
Totale Messe: 2 + Totale Messe FSSPX: 2
Austria: 5, 7 diocesi. Totale diocesi: 9
Totale Messe: 13 + Totale Messe FSSPX: 11
Svizzera: 3, 4 diocesi. Totale diocesi: 6
Totale Messe: 29 + Totale Messe FSSPX: 40
Belgio: 5, 6 diocesi. Totale diocesi: 8
Totale Messe: 15 + Totale Messe FSSPX: 6
Olanda: 1, 3 (incremento ma con perdita di Rotterdam, l'unica del 2005). Totale diocesi: 7
Totale Messe: 5 + Totale Messe FSSPX: 2.
Lussemburgo: 0, 1. Totale diocesi: 1
Totale Messe: 1. Totale Messe FSSPX: 0
Liechtenstein: 0, 1. Totale diocesi: 1
Totale Messe: 1. Totale Messe FSSPX: 0
Inghilterra e Galles: 9, 19. Totale diocesi: 22
Totale Messe: 38 + Totale Messe FSSPX: 18.
Scozia: 2, 3 diocesi. Totale diocesi: 8.
Totale Messe: 3 + Totale Messe FSSPX: 3
Irlanda: 4, 6 diocesi. Totale diocesi: 26
Totale Messe: 6 + Totale Messe FSSPX: 6
Filippine: 5, 7. Totale diocesi 86.
Australia: 10, 11 diocesi.
Nuova Zelanda: 2, 5. Totale diocesi: 6
U.S.A.: 112, 149 (significativo il numero di Messe già concesso dai vescovi ai tempi dell'indulto, segno dell'assenza in molti presuli americani della chiusura ideologica che affligge la maggior parte dei loro colleghi nel resto del mondo). Totale diocesi: 195
Totale Messe: 358 + Totale Messe FSSPX: 116.
Canada: 11, 14 diocesi. Totale diocesi: 71.
Totale Messe: 28 + Totale Messe FSSPX: 18
Messico: 1, 5 diocesi. Totale diocesi: 94.
Totale Messe: 11 + Totale Messe FSSPX: 11
Brasile: 7, 21 diocesi (triplicazione non comparabile con alcun altro paese latinoamericano). Totale diocesi: 272
Argentina: 2, 2 (accanita ostruzione del card. Bergoglio e complici) diocesi. Totale diocesi: 72
Colombia: 1, 2 diocesi
Peru: 1, 2 diocesi
Sud Africa: 0, 1 diocesi
Gabon: 1, 2 (grazie all'I.C.R.S.S.) diocesi
Ungheria: 1, 3 diocesi. Totale diocesi: 12.
Totale Messe: 3. Totale Messe FSSPX: 0
Repubblica Ceca: 1, 4 diocesi (Olomouc aggiunta questa settimana). Totale diocesi: 8
Totale Messe: 7 + Totale Messe FSSPX: 1 (a Brno).
Slovacchia: 0, 1 diocesi. Totale diocesi 6.
Totale Messe: 1. Totale Messe FSSPX: 0
Lituania: 0, 1 diocesi. Totale diocesi: 8
Totale Messe: 1 + Totale Messe FSSPX: 2
Svezia: 0, 1 diocesi. Totale diocesi: 1
Totale Messe: 2. Totale Messe FSSPX: 0

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Case for the Extraordinary Form of the Mass (3)

Tuesday, 17th July 2007

Liturgy in Latin (2)

Charlò-Carmel Camilleri, O.Carm. Balluta.

In reply to Angelo Micallef's concerns (July 10) about the Apostolic Letter Summorum Pontificum that allows for wider celebration of the "old" Roman Missal, it has to be clarified that Pope Benedict's directives permit the use of the Roman Missal promulgated by Blessed Pope John XXIII in 1962.

Claims on the supposed "rift" and "distance between us and those of the Jewish faith", which will spring forth as a consequence of the use of this "old Latin liturgy" (July 6) are unfounded inasmuch as in 1959, Pope John XXIII removed from the "old" missal the notorious phrase concerning Jews and used in the prayer of the faithful on Good Friday. Still, even in the post-Vatican II rite, Catholics, on Good Friday, pray among others, for Jews, for those who do not embrace any faith and for people who embrace other religious beliefs.

The Pope himself explained the motivation behind this allowance, saying among others that: i) the 1962 missal "was never juridically abrogated and, consequently, in principle, was always permitted"; ii) that there is still in the Roman Catholic Communion "a good number of people who remained strongly attached to this usage of the Roman Rite". After Vatican II the "old rite" did not remain in use only by the Society of St Pius X, founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and who was excommunicated on reasons that "were at a deeper level" other than his "fidelity to the old missal".

There is no reason for anybody to "feel further distanced from the faith" because of this issue. For a priest to celebrate Mass in the "old rite" there should be a community of Catholics who ask for it. No one is obliged to do so. The Pope is only allowing those who wish, to do so.

Motivated by "charity and pastoral prudence", the Pope's invitation is to "generously open our hearts and make room for everything that the faith itself allows". Considering that even after Vatican II, there are still religious orders who have their proper liturgical norms and rites, which differ from the the Roman Rite, this is no strange move. Even Catholic communities in full communion with the Pope, like the Greek Catholics and the Archdiocese of Milan, still use their own liturgical rites! So, there should be nothing strange about this allowance and about having two forms of the Roman Rite.

I interpret it is another practical move by the present Pope to promote unity in diversity in the Catholic Church itself, breaching the ever-present rift between "traditionalists" and "liberalists" attempting to foster between them mutual understanding. During the Mass for the inauguration of his pontificate in April 24, 2005 the Pope explicitly expressed his commitment to unity in the following words: "Lord, remember your promise. Grant that we may be one flock and one shepherd! Do not allow your net to be torn, help us to be servants of unity!"

Godwin Xuereb, Pro Tridentina (Malta) President's comment: short bio from the Carmelite Order's website. Fr. Charlò-Carmel, of the Maltese Carmelite Province, was born on 24 March 1975. He entered the Order in 1992, and did his noviciate in Pisa (Italy). On 25 July 1994 he made his simple profession and on 30 September 1997 made his solemn profession. He was ordained to the priesthood on 3 August 2001. Between 1994 and 2000 he attended the State University of Malta from where he graduated in Philosophy, History of Art and Theology. In 2002, he also obtained his Master’s degree in Pastoral theology from the same university. His thesis is entitled: Carmel: A Spirituality of Beauty. These last few years he has been master of novices and director of postulants and students in the Maltese Carmelite Province. In 2004 he obtained a Diploma in Formation Studies (CIFS) at the Pontifical Gregorian University and in 2007 obtained a Doctorate in Spiritual Theology from the same university. His Doctoral Thesis is entitled: Union with God as Transformation in Beauty. A Literary-Spiritual Analysis of the Colloquies of Santa Maria Maddalena de' Pazzi (1566 - 1607). At present he lives at the Carmelite Priory in Balluta, Malta. He is author of various articles and books on theology and spirituality.

The Case for the Extraordinary Form of the Mass (2)

Tuesday, 17th July 2007

Liturgy in Latin (1)

Edric Micallef Figallo, Nadur.

Angelo Micallef (Mass in Latin, July 10) has expressed doubts on the recent Summorum Pontificum, the latest much awaited motu proprio issued by Pope Benedict XVI. Like him, I am a young layman and a Catholic faithful.

Mr Micallef apparently implies that he thinks the question of the liturgy is a mere question of language. However, the question goes far beyond the usage or not of Latin.

In relation to Jewish-Catholic relations it should be noted that the Vatican has already provided satisfactory explanations unless one is most paranoid. The modality of Catholic liturgy and doctrine is the prerogative of the Catholic Magisterium and is not to be determined by anyone of other faiths or thought streams. Such a prerogative is a true act of insolent intolerance and nothing more. Why not eliminate the Gospels as offensive to Jewish notions of monotheism and the Messiah?

Pope John Paul II working against Latin in the liturgy or in anything else is the product of Mr Micallef's imagination. The Vatican has never pushed for the de facto disuse of Latin, and especially it did not seek the same de iure. Cardinal Dario Castrillón Hoyos, a senior figure in the question, has recently stated on Il Giornale that what Pope Benedict XVI recently publicised was also planned by Pope John Paul II.

It is very significant to note that the Pope in the past stated that while the Church positively sought to reapproach Protestants and Orthodox, some took a negative attitude towards traditionalist Catholics. Perhaps this is something that Mr Micallef should consider since if there were ever any disgruntled Catholics whose faithfulness to doctrine was not based on progressive do-it-yourself notions or the latest socio-political trends, these are so-called traditionalist Catholics many of whom are in communion with Rome. More preposterous is preferring to heed the views of those who don't even profess themselves as Catholic Christians in the first place, as Mr Micallef seems to imply.

The motu proprio is indeed a charitable act bestowing hope on many faithful. Complaints on this motu proprio are irrational as greater rights have been granted to all, and not lesser to anyone. Choice has been amplified, no one has been limited ecclesiastically and many have been reapproached. Those who distance themselves from the Church due to this do so because they want to distance others from the Church for no sound doctrinal reason but on mere whims.

Important to consider is the exponential growth of traditional Catholic faithful within the Catholic fold in a growing age of secularisation in the western world. This is contrasted with a contrary trend in more lukewarm or merely cultural Catholics. This is quite indicative.

Concluding, I pray for and thank Pope Benedict XVI for his veritable charitable act for all the Church and I hope that our national bishops will implement appropriate solutions in due time.

Godwin Xuereb, Pro Tridentina (Malta) President's comment: Mr. Micallef Figallo is Pro Tridentina (Malta)'s Secretary. A well-written reaction to the original post by Angelo Micallef on the Times of Malta.

The Case for the Extraordinary Form of the Mass (1)

Monday, 23rd July 2007

On the road to Salvation

Fr Brendan Mark Gatt, Mosta.

The new Apostolic Letter, Summorum Pontificum, has indeed made it easier to use the 1962 Missal. However, as Pope Benedict notes, it should also highlight the innate beauty and greatness of the "modern" Roman Missal, since it is "a twofold use of one and the same rite", rather than a case of two rites.

Consequently, readers like Angelo Micallef (Mass In Latin, July 10) need not worry about the re-introduction of the 1962 Missal. It is not as though from September 14 onwards all Masses will be celebrated in Latin. No priest or group of faithful can impose the Latin Missal upon a congregation. One reason is practical: as Mr Micallef points out, few people nowadays (and precious few priests, I would add) understand Latin.

The Pope demands that those seeking Latin celebrations possess enough formation in liturgy and Latin to participate fruitfully. Otherwise we risk playing with the Mass.

Another reason is juridical: although the older Missal was never abrogated, it has now been clarified that its status is "extraordinary", whereas the 1970 Missal remains the ordinary one.

Mr Micallef refers to a Pope whom we honour and hail as a saint, probably Blessed John XXIII. Yet, the claim that he "worked tirelessly to reduce the importance of Latin" is a bit of a caricature and has nothing to do with his greatness. Pope John (who did much to bring the Church in step with the times) is only indirectly responsible for the liturgical reform: he died soon after the inauguration of Vatican Council II. Ironically, we owe the very Missal being facilitated by Summorum Pontificum to him, since it was published in 1962 under his authority.

Rather, it was Pope Paul VI (unfairly labelled by some nostalgics as "weapon of Mass destruction") who sought to make the liturgy more accessible to a people sadly no longer conversant with Latin. A tragic side effect to this renewal was the whole gamut of abuse which crept in under its cover: from general apathy, to priests who thoughtlessly modify liturgical texts (thus disrespecting both liturgy and faithful); from hosts with chocolate chips or raisins added to them (to liven them up, presumably), to Masses interrupted halfway through for a barbecue (ostensibly to emphasise the meal aspect). And, finally, the pièce de résistance: a Halloween Mass in costume, featuring an extraordinary minister distributing Communion, dressed as a devil! No wonder some disgruntled Catholics feel that the liturgy has been debased.

The Church's history is painfully littered with relatively small misunderstandings that became long-lasting divisions. Hence, our seeking for reconciliation must extend on many fronts. The "lifting of the veil" applies above all to us. It demands humility and generosity, both internally (extending the olive branch to all dissenters, be they Lefebvrites or liberals) and externally (a will to share our spiritual riches). The much-maligned prayer for the Jews must be viewed in this light: a tribute to the Chosen People, and a prayer that those who first received the promise of salvation may understand that it has indeed been fulfilled. I find that uplifting, not insulting.

Godwin Xuereb, Pro Tridentina (Malta) President's comment: a not so recent contribution, first published in the Times of Malta, but still valid as far as the situation in Malta is concerned. It shows what an uphill struggle people who are in favour of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite face in Malta.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Monsignor Domenico Bartolucci

di Rodolfo Vargas Rubio

Monsignor Domenico Bartolucci (Borgo San Lorenzo nella Toscana, 7 Luglio 1917), Maestro Perpetuo della Cappella Musicale Pontificia Sistina, compositore e Accademico di Santa Cecilia, riceverà anche lui il rosso capello dalle auguste mani di Sua Santità il Papa Benedetto XVI nell’annunziato concistoro di 20 novembre prossimo venturo. Anche se nel suo caso la sacra porpora sia puramente testimoniale (dato che il nuovo cardinale ha 93 anni e quindi non svolgerà nessun carico curiale ne parteciperà ad alcun eventuale conclave), si tratta comunque di una giusta ricompensa per tutto quello che lui ha fatto per la difesa della musica sacra, particolarmente nei più procellosi e difficili tempi della contestazione liturgica.